Today the National Parks Service turns 105. Thanks to Woodrow Wilson, on this date in 1916 the Parks were born. When I read that Instagram post I wanted to be a part of the celebration and go enjoy a National Park. I happen to be 45 minutes from Yellowstone, so I hopped in the car and made my way.


The trail is a walking path around the Tower. It takes you around the Tower with incredible views of the Wyoming countryside. Keep a keen eye on the Tower. I was able to spot a few climbers. It’s really amazing to watch them create a path of the face of the stone.


I’ve been to Yellowstone several times. The first was with my family for a quick visit. Subsequently, a few times on my own. This year I have taken every opportunity to visit. Today felt different. It was carefree, spontaneous, without the stress and anxiety of a plan. Today was about being in the park on its birthday.


With summer vacations wrapping up, the park was pretty quiet. I could explore the rivers, lakes, and mountains. I saw bison and elk. I witnessed geysers and hiked to Natural Bridge.


When entering Yellowstone from Gardiner, MT you are greeted by the Roosevelt Arch and a plaque saying “For the Benefit and Enjoyment of the People.” That National Parks is one of the greatest gifts we’ve been given. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NATIONAL PARKS!

