Think through your week and put a plan together. By thinking about it now, you can give yourself time and space to make sure you are including activities that bring you joy and peace. Consider starting this weekend by doing things you love. Fill your cup with joyful activities so that you are in a good space as we get closer to election day.
On Election Day remember that we won’t have any information until after 7pm ET. It’s hard to resist the urge to stay tuned in all day. Have a plan to help you manage your stress, anxiety, and reactions throughout the day.
And after the election we have a lot of unknowns. Control what you can to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Implement a news diet. Giving your brain a break versus having a constant stream of information. It’s so easy to be able to consume content 24/7 now, and not just from traditional news sources. Now it’s TV, print, social media, etc. Schedule the times that you want to know what is going on, watch a cycle, and then turn it off. The news doesn’t change that often throughout the day. This also goes for alerts on your phone (maybe turn them off for news sites this week) and social media. Scrolling seems innocent, but the consumption adds to our stress and anxiety.

Walking is a simple task that most of us have the ability to do. And if walking isn’t an option, find a lovely bench. The idea is to take as little as 5 minutes to as long as you want. Go outside into the fresh air. Let your mind observe the natural surroundings. Note the songs of the birds, or the images in the clouds. Can you smell the fall leaves, or freshly cut grass. Are kids playing? Not what you see, hear, smell, feel, and taste. Focusing on your senses forces you to be very present in your day. And being outside brings the benefits of fresh air and sunshine.
Of course I’m going to suggest a park…but for good reason. Find a park near you and go explore. Doing something new, working out your body, and getting fresh air are all excellent ways to help manage stress and anxiety. Stop by the visitor center and ask a ranger for suggestions on a new trail or activity that is happening in the park that day. Check out their calendars online and see when bird watching or star gazing is taking place. Celebrate the gifts that the parks give to us and escape for a few hours.

Grab a journal, or even just a piece of paper, and start writing or drawing. It doesn’t have to have any structure, just put on paper what is in your head. By releasing these thoughts you improve your stress and anxiety. You may be surprised how you can work out a challenge by the time you finish the entry. Don’t know what to write about? Google “journal prompts” and find something that feels good.
I also like to add to this process by having a pretty journal and a good pen. I usually brew a cup of tea and sit in my favorite chair. Journaling becomes a sacred event to reflect on my thoughts and feelings.
When was the last time you caught yourself smiling? Or laughed? When you find that pure joy in your life, it will light you up. As you prepare for election week, make some time for activities that make you happy – hang out with friends, read a good book (non-political), learn something new, host a political talk free game night, try a new recipe, bake your favorite dessert, think about what you loved as a kid and try to recreate it. Come back to your list of happy moments as often as you can for the next few weeks. If you are lucky, this is an activity that will stay with you long after the elections.

If you are eligible, exercise your right to vote. Doing so gives you some control. Sharon Salzberg, a meditation pioneer, world-renowned teacher, and New York Times bestselling author, wrote “Voting enables us to participate in the outcomes of our lives.”
Make a plan to get your heart rate up…and not over politics. This will help release stress, lead to better eating, and improve your sleep.

Make plans now to meet up with people that you love this week. Grab dinner, host a game night, go for a walk. And if you can’t do it in person, talk on the phone. You could even incorporate your loved ones in other areas of your plan. Being with them will reduce your stress and lead to a happier day.
Sleep is my non-negotiable in life. I love it! But even for me, my sleep will be challenged this week. Try to stick to your normal sleep schedule. And consider creating a sleep ritual that promotes peacefulness. Diffuse lavender essential oil, take a warm bath or shower before bed, turn off devices an hour or two before bedtime, sip a cup of sleepytime tea. A full and restful night sleep will allow all you to better cope with things throughout the day.